Surprise! We are still in Kathmandu! The night before we leave I am getting so excited and am dreaming of trekking through the Himalayas and picturing myself summiting our final climb (with the Rocky theme song playing in the background). We get up half an hour before our alarm goes off at 5:30 am and head to the airport with plenty of time to spare. We arrive and it is CHAOS, nobody has any idea what the hell is going on. That is, of course, except for the guides and porters who are sorting everything out for the tourists (lucky them) who have paid to be taken on their treks. So I am standing in line trying really hard to figure out how to get our boarding passes and get our bags on the plane. I am being to told "exuse me, you are in the wrong line Madame, move over to that line" about four different times. As I am hopping from line to line shoving my ticket in front of each person working for the airline, I am barking orders at my own personal Sherpa (Tyler) to move our bags from one place to the next. This process was so confusing that we actually met someone who ended up paying a guide to get his boarding pass for him. Finally, and with the biggest sense of self accomplishment I have ever felt in my life, we get our ticket and head to the waiting area.
So far so good. Our flight is on time and we hop on the bus to be loaded on our plane. We are about to get off the bus but have to turn around because of windy weather conditions. We then wait in the airport, with beyond horrible bathrooms and only some salt and vinegar pringles to eat, until 4 pm waiting to see if the weather will change. No such luck. Flights to Lukla have now been cancelled for two days back to back so we have to go back to our hotel cancel and reschedule our flight for Tuesday morning. Tomorrow we are booked on the second flight at 7:15 am so we are really hoping we make it otherwise we may have to do a different trek, so we are keeping our fingers crossed!
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